Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Sandwich Drama

I've been living with John for a week now (and I haven't killed him--woo-hoo!).
We went grocery shopping after the move. John was all hell-bent on buying peanut butter and jelly (despite the fact that I told him I already had both at the old place). He insisted, and beyond that, he dumped them into the cart and moved on.
I made myself a PB & J sandwich today. He has obviously not touched either sandwch topper. Why insist on wasting money, buying duplicate items, if you are not even going to use them?

Then, I suggested to him last week while I was setting up the kitchen, that instead of using a ziploc bag every day to take his (bologna) sandwiches to work he should use one of my sandwich containers. One of them has cartoon characters on it and admittedly might be embarassing to take to work with a bunch of manly men. The other one, however, is a respectable plain boring tupperware container. He said sure. He hasn't been using that one either. Apparently he'd rather throw away 168+ bags per year. And waste even more money...


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