Friday, November 16, 2007

A writer for nonreaders

When I was in high school, my sister, who is not a big reader, raved about Stephen King's Eyes Of the Dragon. I read it, thinking if someone who doesn't even like to read loved it, then it must be good. I thought the book stunk. I even went so far as to think I could write better than this. I haven't read anything else by SK since.
That is until John told me I just had to read The Dark Tower series. I grudgingly agreed, if nothing else it would get John off my back. I wasn't crazy about the first book. John assured me that the story really picks up in the second book. I'm about a quarter of the way through the second book, and I'm still not impressed. Have I mentioned John is not a big reader either?
I am now convinced SK is a writer for people who don't read. And while I'm not impressed with his writing, I am impressed with the little niche he's managed to carve for himself.