Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Sandwich Drama

I've been living with John for a week now (and I haven't killed him--woo-hoo!).
We went grocery shopping after the move. John was all hell-bent on buying peanut butter and jelly (despite the fact that I told him I already had both at the old place). He insisted, and beyond that, he dumped them into the cart and moved on.
I made myself a PB & J sandwich today. He has obviously not touched either sandwch topper. Why insist on wasting money, buying duplicate items, if you are not even going to use them?

Then, I suggested to him last week while I was setting up the kitchen, that instead of using a ziploc bag every day to take his (bologna) sandwiches to work he should use one of my sandwich containers. One of them has cartoon characters on it and admittedly might be embarassing to take to work with a bunch of manly men. The other one, however, is a respectable plain boring tupperware container. He said sure. He hasn't been using that one either. Apparently he'd rather throw away 168+ bags per year. And waste even more money...


Saturday, September 22, 2007


I was recently contacted on Myspace by a friend I haven't spoken to in about 12 years. We say, hey we should get to know each other again.
But, how do you determine what is relevant in life? Beyond the job status, marital status, and children.
What bits of life are important enough that someone should know about them?

Friday, September 21, 2007


This Jena 6 crap has gotten out of hand. These guys are being held, not because they are black, but because they are criminals. If the situation were reversed and a bunch of white guys beat up a black guy, people would be crying that the punishment is not severe enough. People are so full of sh*t when it comes to this racial discrimination/profiling crap. It is only about race because people make it about race. There will be no forward strides until people make it about people, not about color.
And furthermore, what is with all these people protesting? Don't they have jobs? Are we really looking at a bunch of non-working welfare abusers getting together to cry about a problem that isn't there?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The news

I'm getting tired of the way every news channel plays the same three stories ALL DAY LONG!

First we have this business with the rich people whose child was "kidnapped." Regardless of whether they killed her or they really are victims of a vicious crime, what makes them more important than any other victim out there? I don't mean to sound callous but damn, people are killed and kidnapped every day. Why does the media select only certain cases to cover? And how do they pick these people?

Then we have Greenspan spouting out all sorts of crap. Did he miss the power and spotlight so badly that he had to get back in the only way he could (ie- berate Bush Jr, you know, something else that new and different for the media).

And who could forget OJ? Certainly not anybody in America who owns a tv...He committed murder years ago and got away with it. Why does anybody think he is going down for these new charges? It'll be Paris Hilton in jail all over again...only worse.