Friday, August 31, 2007

Office Ass-kissing

So here's a question...How is it that the person who is consistently a good employee (always on time, works independently, never causes strife with other coworkers) is the one who gets shafted on a regular basis? And the guy who is a whiny, kiss-ass little bitch is the one who gets what he wants? Seriously, I want to know. How is the good employee ever supposed to get ahead in life? Without all the ass-kissing and bitching and being an obnoxious know-it-all?
And furthermore, why do people who are married think their time is more important than non-married people (oh, I can't work late, I won't get to see my wife, boo hoo)? I can understand if you are a parent, your children sort of need you. But just because you have a peice of paper that legally binds you to another person does not make you some kind of instant royalty. And beyond that, how does a whiny know-it-all even find somebody to marry? Seriously, did she lose a bet?

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I just read a product review for Once, the panties you wear one time and then throw away. Designed for women to wear during their periods, Once is just the latest in a line of products that clog the environment. Everything is disposable nowadays.
Paper/plastic plates...because God forbid you wash your dishes.
Cleaning wipes...because sponges and rags are just icky.
Now underwear is disposable. I hope the government starts working on turning Pluto into a landfill (since it isn't considered a planet anymore) because ours will be full in no time. Seriously, is tossing your skivvies into a washing machine too much to ask?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

latest movies

I saw two new movies in the last couple of days, Stardust and The Simpsons. Loved the first, the second not so much.
Stardust has action, humor, and a good story line. It's not the deepest movie you'll ever see, but it's entertaining. Stellar cast, good special effects and costumes/makeup.
While I like The Simpsons tv show, the movie is not worth seeing in the theater. There's a couple of chuckle-worthy moments, but overall it's a little disappointing. The story line is pretty much a big yawn. They could have done a lot more with this. Wait for it to appear at Blockbuster.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Birthday List

Inspired by a post on, I made a list of 26 things to do before I turn 27, one of which was to start a blog. So for my first entry, I'm printing the list...

  1. Go somewhere I've never been.
  2. Get published again.
  3. Get back down to my college weight
  4. Visit a local art gallery
  5. Go to the planetarium
  6. Finish Vol. 2 of The Book of Randomness for Valerie
  7. Complete a photo project
  8. Find direction
  9. Become more organized
  10. Try new food
  11. Cook more often (or should I say Learn to cook?)
  12. Make more time for my friends
  13. Go to the symphony
  14. Make a decision-free evening for John
  15. Go to the farmer's market
  16. Actually do Christmas cards this year
  17. Reduce unnecessary spending
  18. Eat less junk food
  19. Start a blog (CHECK!)
  20. Learn photoshop
  21. Go to the beach
  22. Run a 5K
  23. Be more comfortable in my own skin
  24. Be nice to John, even when I want to strangle him
  25. Do more creative things
  26. Enjoy life more!